It is almost here – one of the most beautiful times of year in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Fall time in Ontario. More specifically, Honey Harbour Georgian Bay. It’s the span of time when blissful bayside summers magnificently succumb to the frigid arctic tundra of a Canadian winter. And it is a beautiful death, producing over the rocky and rolling coastal landscape a breathtaking bouquet of sugar maple, oak, aspen, and birch, all sprouted from the layers of glacial sediment deposited thousands of years earlier. This island-stippled region of the north is ideal cottage country, a paradise for nature enthusiasts and recreationists around the world. A stay at Hall’s Cottages in beautiful Honey Harbour Georgian Bay gives you incredible access to this awe-inspiring landscape adored by so many. Here are just three of the ways you can appreciate the fall foliage on your autumn Ontario travels.
DayTripper Ferry to Beausoleil Island
With a departure location just across the bay from our beautiful cottages, the DayTripper boat cruise is one of the most convenient options for experiencing the breathtaking fall colors. The round-trip ferry runs until October 8th and takes visitors on a scenic fifteen-minute trip. Meander through the forested islands and granite outcrops until you reach Beausoleil Island, part of Georgian Bay Islands National Park. While on the island, spend your time mountain biking through gorgeous wooded trails, enjoying the fall scenery on a rugged hike, or indulging in a picnic with the company of your friends and family.
Early Morning Canoe
Another fantastic option for viewing the majestic fall foliage is an early morning Honey Harbour Georgian Bay kayak or canoe trip. Set the alarm a little earlier and take advantage of the on-site canoes provided by Hall’s Cottages. Breath in that crisp early-morning air and be the first to break the calm glassy waters – after a cup of coffee first, that is. Put in right on the shore of our bayside sandy beach and paddle your way through the Canadian beauty.
Scenic Flight with Georgian Bay Airways
For a unique look at the changing deciduous forests and towering white pines, take to the sky with Georgian Bay Airways. The areal outfitter offers three different tour options: a trip over Parry Island, a tour across the famous 30,000 Islands region, or a flight to grab a hot fish dinner at Henry’s Restaurant. Embark on the hour-long scenic drive north to the float plane departure site at Parry Sound Harbor and take to the sky to survey the sculpted bays and shorelines.
A Honey Harbour Georgian Bay adventure is waiting for you this fall. Make your way to this iconic and majestic part of Canada, and appreciate all that it has to offer. From pristine waters to the beautiful death of the deciduous forests, this coastal region provides world-class views and a plethora of ways to enjoy them. Book your trip with Hall’s Cottages and experience autumn in Ontario.